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Learn to sketch and draw with step-by-step tutorials. At ImagiDraw we aim to add new drawing tutorials every day. You will learn to draw many different things surrounding us and things that exist only in the imagination...
How to draw megalodon with pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial
In this lesson, we will learn how to draw a megalodon shark with a pencil in stages, an extinct predator, the largest predatory fish in...
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How to draw a gargoyle with a pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial
In Halloween spirit, for this lesson we will draw a gargoyle in stages with a pencil. The gargoyle is originally a drainage structure in...
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How to draw Brachiosaurus with a pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial.
In today's drawing tutorial, we will learn to draw Brachiosaurus. Its chest is bigger than its back. It has an enormously long neck which...
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How to draw a dragon with a pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial
In today's drawing tutorial, we will learn to draw a dragon step-by-step with a pencil. Since dragons are mythical creatures, unlike...
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How to draw Styracosaurus with pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial
We continue our drawing lessons on how to draw dinosaurs. In today's drawing tutorial, we will draw another dinosaur: Styracosaurus. As...
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How to draw Apatosaurus with pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial
In today's drawing tutorial, we will be drawing Apatosaurus. Unlike Brachiosaurus which had a more massive chest, Apatosaurus had bigger...
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How to draw a T-Rex with a pencil step-by-step drawing tutorial.
In today's drawing tutorial, we will learn to draw a Tyrannosaurus Rex, often called T. rex or colloquially T-Rex. As usual, we will draw...
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