The bat is a chimera, a monstrous, impossible creature, a symbol of dreams, nightmares, ghosts, and sick imagination.
This representative of the animal world is too overgrown with all sorts of legends and myths. But the truth is even more fantastic than fiction. Let's sift the wheat from the chaff. First of all, not all mice are vampires; rather, they are insectivores and predators (some species of bats prey on lizards, toads, and even field mice). And those that live with us are great helpers in the fight against mosquitoes. One mouse soaring overhead eats up to 200 mosquitoes in an hour!

Step 1. Outline the main parts of the bat: body and wings.
Draw the simplest geometric shapes and write in them the head and body of a bat, as well as the wings open towards us. Draw the central axis running from the abdomen to the junction of the wings as the basis for the tail.

Step 2. Draw the bat's muzzle.
Outline the muzzle: mouth, nose, eyes. From there, we draw outlandish mouse ears.

Step 3. Draw the bat's arms, fingers, and legs.
Draw the bat's paws and add the arms and fingers to the wings. Draw the bat's tail.

Step 4. Draw bat's fur.
Our bat will be covered in fur - let's draw it out. Draw the paws and tail in more detail.

Step 5. Hatching the bat's wings and body.
In the last step, let's focus on the leather wings of the bat. Using wide hatching, show the texture and look of the wings.

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