In this lesson, we will look at how to draw an English bulldog with a pencil step by step. The English Bulldog is a breed of dog that is distinguished by a massive body and a flattened muzzle with many folds.

Step 1. Outline the head and the muzzle of the bulldog.
Let's start drawing from the head, for this draw a circle and auxiliary lines that go in the middle. Next, draw a big nose from the intersections of the lines down and the muzzle.

Step 2. Draw the head of the bulldog in more detail.
Draw the eyes, head, and ears, then a lot of folds to our bulldog head.

Step 3. Outline the body and paws of the bulldog.
We show the body of the bulldog in a circle, which is much larger than the head, and schematically draw the front paws.

Step 4. Draw the bulldog's body in more detail.
Start detailing the body of the bulldog.

Step 5. Draw the bulldog's paws.
We draw the claws on the front paws, as well as the hind legs.

Step 6. Shading and hatching the bulldog's body.
We paint over the dark areas near the eyes and on the muzzle with a lighter tone, as shown in the picture. We hatch over the nose using the curl method.

Step 7. Finalizing the bulldog drawing.
In the last step of our bulldog drawing tutorial, we add more shadows to make it more realistic, and the drawing of the bulldog is ready.

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