This drawing is also good for live work in the field. You can take a quiet place with a picturesque bush, sit opposite it and start drawing. Stretch out your hand and check if the palm closes the bush. If the bush is larger than the palm of your hand, move further away.

Step 1. Draw the horizontal and vertical axis to mark the center of the bush drawing.
Let's draw a vertical and horizontal line that defines the center of our image. The horizontal line will become the horizon line of the future landscape. Then outline the ray lines of the future bush.

Step 2. Outline the leaves on the bush drawing.
Outline the leaves.

Step 3. Start hatching the bush leaves to mark the darker and shaded areas.
Let's take a closer look at the bush, squinting our eyes. With short strokes, mark the dark, shady parts of the leaves. Also, draw a shadow under the bush. Since the shadow falls on the grass, we simply denote the dark areas of the grass. Then, designate the background - in this case, a field behind the bush. The first hatching is done with a hard pencil F.

Step 4. Draw the bush's background and move to its foreground.
Now, increasing the pencil's softness, we gradually move from the background to the foreground.

Step 5. Continue drawing the front of the bush.
Draw out the darker parts of the front leaves. Moving from the background to the foreground allows for showing the depth and volume of the bush.

Step 6. The final steps of drawing a bush.
In the last step of our bush drawing tutorial, with the softest pencil, draw the darkest spots (branches, leaves, grass in the shade) of our bush.

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