In this tutorial, we will draw a chicken with a pencil step-by-step. Let's try to draw a domestic chicken standing on one leg.

Step 1. Outline the parts of the chicken with a few triangles.
Start the chicken drawing outlining several triangles. Let's outline the outline of the chicken in three parts: head, tail, and torso. The main triangle for the chicken's body is placed on the vertical axis.

Step 2. Draw a contour of the chicken's body, head, and tail.
Using the original triangles, draw the contour of the chicken: its tail, head, body, and legs.

Step 3. Draw the details of the chicken's head, tail, and legs.
Draw the bird's head more carefully: beak, eye, wattle, and comb. Also, start drawing the feathers on the chicken's tail and wing.

Step 4. Draw the chicken's eye. Start hatching the chicken's drawing.
Start with the first round of hatching, focusing on the darker areas that are in the shade.

Step 5. Add texture to the chicken's wing and tail. Continue hatching the chicken's drawing.
Try showing the appearance of feathers and edges in different body parts with the appropriate hatching. With a hard pencil, shade the places where the light does not fall.

Step 6. Finalizing the step-by-step drawing of a chicken.
Shade feathers on the hips, tail, head, and under the head.
Completing the drawing, we will show the natural environment for the chicken and depict several blades of grass and a shadow falling from the chicken.

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