It is the beginning of December and the Holidays are very near. To cheer up, we will learn to draw a Christmas bell today.

Step 1. Outline the shape of the bell.
Start with the vertical center line to help with the rest of the drawing. Draw the bell shape and two circles as shown below.

Step 2. Outline the ribbons on top of the bell.
Draw the oval at the bottom of the bell. Then, start outlining the ribbons on top of the bell.

Step 3. Draw the ribbons on top of the bell.
Finalize the ribbons. Then, outline the parts on the bell and the clapper where we will later add shades or light.

Step 4. Add dots on the bell ribbon.
Add dots on the ribbon and continue adding forms for shades and light on the bell.

Step 5. Harden all lines in our bell drawing.
Once you are content with your drawing, harden the lines.

Step 6. Color the bell drawing.
As you can see, the original shapes for shades and light are now helping us with correct painting.

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