How to draw a crocodile. Step-by-step tutorial. In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a crocodile.

Step 1. Start drawing the crocodile with simple outlines
Start drawing a crocodile with a simple sketch of the torso - a slightly inclined line and four circles. Please note that there are two large ones in the center and small ones along the edges. The inclined line divides all the circles in half.

Step 2. Outline the head and body of a crocodile
Draw the outlines of the shape of the torso and head and the mouth of a crocodile, and also mark out additionally two small circles for the paws.

Step 3. Crocodile drawing comes to life
Now, you can remove the circle contour lines from the head and torso and also draw the eye. At this stage of the drawing, you still need to draw a general outline of the paws and add two more circles for the tail.

Step 4. Draw the head, tail, and paws of a crocodile in detail
Check if all the proportions of the crocodile picture are accurate, and if necessary, correct the inaccurate details of your drawing. Now you need to draw a crocodile tail. This is pretty easy to do since we have a pointer in the form of circles.
You also need to draw the claws on the paws and continue the line of the mouth. If you draw a crocodile with an open mouth, then do not forget to draw the fangs.

Step 5. The final stage of the crocodile drawing
At this step, you need to delete all the preliminary contours (circles) and draw the eyes and paws in detail. Also, draw a line delimiting the back and belly of the crocodile. The skin of a crocodile is covered on top with spiky skin which we will add later. The belly is more like a snakeskin.

Step 6. Coloring the drawing of a crocodile with a pencil
You can choose to finish the crocodile by coloring it with a simple pencil or using shades of green and brown.
To make the drawing of a crocodile more realistic, you can draw it on the river bank among the bushes.

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