A favorite of children and sailors, dolphins are considered intelligent, friendly, and playful animals. The dolphin is a mammal and belongs to the class of cetaceans. It is a predator and has well-developed teeth.
The dolphin's body is strong and elongated, with a dorsal fin. Let's draw a dolphin in this step-by-step drawing tutorial. We will draw our dolphin in a jump.

Step 1. Draw the axis of the dolphin's body and outline the shape of its body.
First, designate the axis of the body, the tail, and put on the axis an elongated circle, which will be the body of the dolphin.

Step 2. Draw the dolphin's fins, tails, and head.
Let's draw the dorsal and pectoral fins, the tail - special, in two parts - the forehead and mouth, which is somewhat reminiscent of a duck's beak.

Step 3. Start shading and hatching parts of the dolphin's body.
Shading will show strong muscles on the animal's body. Also, mark shady places.

Step 4. Finishing the drawing of the dolphin.
Continue hatching the different parts of the dolphin's body in our drawing. In the last step of our dolphin drawing tutorial, let's draw splashes of water to enhance the impression that the dolphin is depicted at the moment of the jump.

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