A husky is a sled dog with thick fur. It is used in a sled team. It has a powerful chest and a bushy tail, noticeable even in this small puppy.
Step 1. Outline the main parts of the husky dog: head, spine, and tail.
In step one, mark the location of the spine and tail with one softly curved line. Then, use this line to outline the head, torso, and back of the body in round shapes. Also, draw guidelines for placing the puppy's eyes, nose, and mouth while sketching out the general shape of its muzzle.

Step 2. Outline the entire body of the husky dog.
In step two, outline the entire body using fast, flowing lines based on the basic shapes. Draw triangular ears and mark the position of the upper parts of all four paws.

Step 3. Start drawing husky puppy fur. Draw out the dog's muzzle in detail.
Once you are satisfied with the pose and shape, in step three, begin to draw the puppy's fur coat. There are a number of short parallel strokes that will create the feeling of thick fur. With the same strokes, highlight the bright spots on the puppy's skin. Then draw the eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, and paws.

Step 4. Erase auxiliary lines and start shading the husky's fur coat.
Erase all unnecessary auxiliary lines and start shading the dark areas of the fur with the wide side of the pencil. Use straight strokes and lay them in the direction of hair growth, starting from the center of the muzzle and chest. Next, fill in the nose and pupils, then add a background to create contrast for the puppy's white chest.

Step 5. Finalizing the husky puppy drawing.
In the final step, add some volume by adding a few light strokes along the edges of the white fur. Stroke the right hind leg and left cheek, covering these areas with additional strokes. Then, go over the dark fur with a softer pencil, making thinner and darker strokes and applying denser strokes around the edges to clearly define the outline of the puppy. Add the final details and fill in the shadows under the nose, in the mouth, around the eyes, and inside the ears.

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