The maple leaf is one of the important symbols of golden autumn, it is also an element of the Canadian flag.

Step 1. Draw the shape of the maple leaf.
The geometric figure of the leaf looks like a star. On the main axis of the leaf, add a transverse axis and two upper rays. Then, connect them on the outer side with a line into a polyhedron and draw parts of the sheet with a thin contour line.

Step 2. Draw the shape of the maple leaf in more detail.
Using the original shape from step one, draw the complex shape of the maple leaf.

Step 3. Draw the veins on the maple leaf.
The leaf, before it falls, is the living organ of the tree. It has a “blood flow” system, its veins. These veins are convex on the maple leaf, as they are tubular inside. Thus, they will be visible as lighter lines.

Step 4. Hatching the maple leaf drawing.
With light shading with a hard pencil F, shade the body of the maple leaf. Draw a drop shadow to "tear off" the image from the paper.
