In today's drawing tutorial, we will learn to draw a squirrel with a pencil. It is suggested to have a variety of pencils with different degrees: 4H, 2B and 6B.

Step 1. Outline the squirrel's head.
Outline the head of the squirrel. Try drawing by barely pressing the pencil (unlike in the drawing below that shows hard lines for your convenience).

Step 2. Draw the squirrel's back, outline its front paw and thigh.
Draw the line of the back, paw and thigh of the squirrel.

Step 3. Drawing the paws of the squirrel.
Now, draw the front and hind paws at a squirrel. Also, draw the surface it sits on. We also will draw our squirrel holding a nut.

Step 4. Drawing the squirrel's tail.
Draw a huge tail and a peeking part of the front paw.

Step 5. Here is the base for our squirrel drawing on paper.

Step 6. Draw squirrel's eye and fur on squirrel's tail and body.
Hatch over the eye, leaving a big highlight with white. While erasing the contour of the back of the squirrel, draw the fur with lines close to each other. Do the same with the hip and tail. When drawing the squirrel's tail use longer lines to show how furry it is.

Step 7. Continue hatching the squirrel's fur.
Now take a soft pencil and draw new lines on top of the drawn ones. When done drawing the squirrel's fur, draw the branch our squirrel sits on.

Step 8. Smear the lines that we have drawn with a finger.
Use your forefinger or middle finger and smear the lines that we have drawn. We leave untouched places near the eyes and nose. Now with a soft pencil we pass along the edges, making it more saturated. On the forehead, you can add a little small lines, slightly barely noticeably hatching over the area below the nose, where the mustache and mouth are. Darken near the ear and other shaded areas. Then we take an eraser and make strokes with the edge, as we drew fur now. We erase quite a bit between the ears, we did not touch the nose and eyes, then, where the cheek is a white area, on the elbow of the squirrel, on top of the thigh there is a white area, a little bit on the belly and tail. We make all the strokes with an eraser in the direction of the fur. Then, slightly grease the boundaries of these lines with a finger, so that it is more or less uniform.

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