Among all trees, willows are my favorites, especially when they grow by the water. Willow trees, in my opinion, are picturesque and recognizable. Since the crown of a tree is mainly made up of long, flexible branches, even the most novice of beginner artists can handle the image.

Step 1. Outline the shape of the willow tree in our drawing.
Outline the willow on paper with the main lines. Also, denote the support line of the tree and the horizon line.

Step 2. Draw the willow trunk and main branches.
Draw the willow tree trunk.

Step 3. Draw the willow tree twigs.
Outline its branches and twigs. The branches are flexible and long and create the effect of hair on a tree.

Step 4. Hatch the drawing to create the visual of leaves.
With a hard pencil, shade the dark areas of the willow and outline the grass. Now with a softer pencil, we will work out the shadow and textured areas of the tree.

Step 5. Detail the willow trunk, branches, and twigs.
Draw out with harder strokes the willow trunk. As you can see, we leave some of its parts unshaded, creating the texture of a trunk. The leaves on the twigs grow sparsely, and we show those with short strokes.

Step 6. Add shadows to the willow tree drawing.
In the last step, with the softest pencil, we will focus on all the shadow areas of the foreground.

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